Dear Patient,
We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.
To help us with this, we are setting up a virtual patient representation group so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this representative group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.
We aim to gather around a hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.
Complete the Patient Group Sign-up Form Online
If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.
Download the pdf version of our sign up form
We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.
Many thanks for your assistance

Patient Participation Group
What is a PPG?
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of all patients registered with the surgery, they may have no medical training but have an interest in the services provided.
The aim of the PPG is to represent patients' views and cross barriers, embracing diversity and to work in partnership with the surgery to improve common understanding.
The PPG members profile reflect a range of age, gender and ethnicity.
We also welcome new participants from patients who have joined the practice recently.
Please speak to / email our Practice Manager, Abhi Sivananthan, if you are interested in joining the group:
How does the practice engage with the PPG?
- Face-to-face group meetings #
- Email for personal discussion
- Open forum via social media [please contact Abhi]
# The last meeting was dated 04.09.2019.
Since the pandemic, we have not gathered in person, although some of us have met online.
We hope to resume in-person meeting so those who do not have internet access can take part.
Friends and Family Test
We welcome patient feedback to tell us what we are doing right and what we can improve.
Please take the Friends and Family test !
Tell us what you think about the alternative ways to access GP services
The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has obliged GP practices to provide a smaller range of services. Partly this is for safety reasons, and partly because the hospitals have restricted referrals and test requests from GPs.
We continue to provide consultations, repeat prescriptions, medical certificates and letters, and we are able to do this in a number of ways:
- telephone call
- AccuRx video call (via smart phone)
- e-Consult (24/7 online service)
- Doctor Link
- EMIS Patient Access online
- email
- fax
- face-to-face at the practice on a solo basis without waiting
- referral to GP Hub
- referral to Coronavirus Hot Hub
With the gradual relaxation of the lockdown, we look forward to reopening at some time.
We would like to know, when we reopen, if it will be useful to keep some of these options available to you, or mothball all of them until a future pandemic?
Please answer our brief survey:
11 Feb 2015
General meeting
- Priority areas for improvement and Action plans
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI) reviewPatient Group
- Follow up to previous year's improvement plans
21 Mar 2015
Turkish-speaking patients meeting
- Discussion of health needs prevalent in ethnic group
- Diet and Nutrition
- Access and liaison
2015 - 2016
30 Jan 2016
Diabetes services meeting
2016 - 2017
19 Nov 2016
Tamil community meeting
Use of Online Access (recurring sessions)
2017 - 2018
Changes in the practice
2018 - 2019
12 Sep 2018
Technology and self help
2019 - 2020
4 Sep 2019
Health risk calculators
2020 - 2021
Jun 2020
Coronavirus update
Oct 2020
Coronavirus update
Oct 2021
Forthcoming CQC visit
Oct 2023
Access to GP records online
Call or write to us:
Ms Abhi Sivananthan (Practice Manager)
020 88882518 / 88890492
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.